Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Baby Bump - 38 weeks

We are so in the home stretch now!  I know I just did one of these last week, but we're just getting too close now!  Only 2 weeks until my due date, and I've never actually made it to a due date before.  Who knows this could be my first!

I'm getting so big, and at this point in all my pregnancies I always get fat face.  I know it goes away, but there is definitely a bit of swelling going on all over.  Nothing that I'm alarmed about, but it happens every time.

38 weeks with #3
I had another doctor's appointment this week, and this time my doctor checked to see if we were making any progress (maybe TMI?).  We are sitting at 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and a -1 station.  I'm actually pretty much exactly where I was at this point with Luke.  That makes me believe that my thoughts about next week being the week that much more obtainable.  

Now on to the normal information :)

How I'm Feeling: I have good days and then I have bad ones.  Yesterday was a bad one.  I felt bad, but today at least starting off I'm feeling a lot better.  I think I just need to remember to get up and move around, and keep drinking TONS of water.  Yesterday I was kind of having time-able contractions too, about 20-30 minutes apart.  I really hardly can call them contractions and they obviously didn't continue through the night.  Now we keep pluggin' away until we feel actual crazy contractions!

Beyond that, I'm still just feeling pregnant and ready to meet our new little addition!  I'm starting to get a bit anxious about labor and delivery.  I just hope that it is a lot less stressful then it was with Luke, so I'm seriously praying that there is an anesthesiologist on hand and ready to go this time around.  I think it will help a lot that it isn't a major holiday too.

Sleep:  I've been getting sleep, the only bad part is the turning over to the other side part.  I feel like I almost have to wake up completely because I have to be sooo careful about re-situating.  I've been getting some crazy round ligament pains when I try to roll from side to side.  Besides, those pains sleeping has been going fairly well.  I'm getting some, so that's all that I care about right now.

Movement:  The movements that I'm feeling now are decreasing a little bit.  They are still there regularly and fairly often, but now they're bumps and jabs like #3 is just trying to find the space!  My bump isn't that big.  Come out and join us!

Food Cravings:  I still want to eat everything, but I'm trying to no be super crazy.  I feel like every pregnancy ends this way.  I do so well and then at the very end I'm like, "I'm hungry".  So then I eat everything in sight.  I'm still on track with my weight gain though, so I'm not super concerned about at all really.  Just more of an observation I suppose.  

Maternity Clothes: I've already started to buy clothes for my post pregnant body.  I'm probably being a little premature, but I'm SO excited!  I bought myself a pair of SPANX leggings today that I'm really excited about.  Such a great deal on Zulily today I couldn't pass it up.  I figure these babies are going to be perfect while I'm trying to get back in shape.  Help me suck it all in!

I'm also REALLY excited to get back into Stitch Fix.  After my last Fix, I decided to take a break for a couple of months.  I've got my next scheduled for mid-March.  Right before Easter actually, so I'm excited to ask about maybe some Easter clothes!  Can't wait to see what Tina puts in my box next time!

What are you looking forward to:  At this point, I'm just looking forward to meeting baby #3 for the first time.  I can't wait to see what he/she looks like and give it a name.  I'm just so excited to meet the final member of our family.  It's a very exciting feeling!  So whenever this little one decides to come I think we'll be ready for it.

Now for a comparison pictures of me with #3 versus me with Luke.  I don't have a picture at this stage with Alyssa because I didn't get this far.  She came at 37 weeks 6 days.  Besides that, this will be my last comparison picture at all because I didn't take any pictures after this week with Luke either.  Even though I made it to 39 weeks 2 days with him.  So, this will be it for this kind of picture.  I don't know if I really get much bigger then this though.  

38 weeks with Luke; 38 weeks with #3
This concludes the current happenings of my bump.  This could be my last bump post, but for some reason I'm thinking I'll probably have another one next week.  Who knows though!  You'll just have to check back next week to see how it all goes down :)

Monday, January 25, 2016

52 Weeks of Organization - Week 3

If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE to organize.  It just makes me happy to be able to know where things are and have a place for everything.  I honestly can't wait until we move so that I can start from scratch and make spaces for things that currently are stuffed somewhere.  Our house is just too small for all the stuff that we have.

As everyone else, I have weaknesses.  One of them would be holiday decorations.  I am always going into the holiday clearance and picking up a few things here or there, and now I have quite a bit.  Not as much as I would like to have, but I'm running out of places to put things.

Then another thing that we have a lot of is baby stuff.  which I will be getting rid of some of it here very soon!  That makes me all kinds of excited.  Some things I'm still planning on keeping for visitors that have little kids.  It's always nice to be prepared for any situation.

Even though we are probably going to be moving sometime in the next 18-ish months, I want to get as much organized at our current house as possible.  This will cut down on moving things that we don't want or need anymore, and things will be in a good place when we un-box things at the new house.  I was planning on doing something like this last year, but the motivation just wasn't there. walks the 52 Weeks To An Organized Home.  I like the set up of this and it's also making me look at things that I might not think to look at up front.  Like organizing my recipes and what not.  I've been wanting to do it, so this is perfect.

She has been doing this challenge for what looks like a decade now, so she has some great resources, such as printables and a Facebook page that you can follow along with to stay motivated.  

For the month of January, we've started out focusing on our kitchen.  Technically, I'm on week 4 already starting today, but I'm going to show you last weeks challenge since I haven't done this weeks yet.  Since I'm at work all week, I keep the activities for the weekend typically.  

Week 3 - How to Organize Pantry, Spices and Food

I'd like to think this is what a normal pantry looks like after it's been used for awhile.  People just end up throwing things into the closet/cupboard because it takes time and patience to keep things organized.  I know personally, I have to organize my pantry about 2-3 times a year.  The kids get in there, Brett gets in there, and even my mom has a way of getting in there when she comes to visit.  

This is what my pantry looked like to begin with...

I don't feel like it's a huge mess but it definitely was getting disorganized and I really had no idea what was in there.  Brett would ask me if we had something, and I would reply with, "I think so?"  My pantry is also a really weird configuration since the refrigerator is in a corner.  so it makes this cupboard into a wedge.  Things will get lost in the back very easily.  

So, I started with the spices in the door.  I for sure knew I needed to go through these and make sure that they weren't all expired.  There were a few that I threw away, but overall I'm doing pretty good!  So I ended up putting the spices that I use most often on the bottom shelf and FINALLY getting all the sprinkles that we have together in one place.  I think it turned out pretty good overall, and now I also know what I have in this part of my pantry.

Then I started at the top and worked my way down.  I have a bunch of vases and pitches up top which pretty much stayed up there.  I did get rid of a couple of things (or should I say put them in my Goodwill box).  That shelve was pretty easy.  The next shelf down is also a spice/seasoning shelf.  That one stays pretty organized overall, since we use those spices and things a lot.  I moved a few things around to make it a bit more put together, but we were definitely off to a good start.  

I don't know if you can tell or not, but as I went shelf by shelf I just moved everything down to the next shelf or to the floor.  It seemed to be a good way to do it for me.  

The rest of the project was pretty simple really.  Just the same thing.  Check expiration date, which I did have a few things that were pretty old so I threw them away and put them on my grocery list to get new fresh ingredients.  

Here is the finished product!  Overall, I think I could probably utilize the space better if I had say an extra couple of shelves in there to make more stack-able room, but since I know that we're leaving in the "near term" I'm not planning on getting a lot of storage supplies that might only work for this house.  If I think I can get my moneys worth out of it at our new house too I will definitely invest.  I just am not exactly sure what I'm going to want in my pantry there.  Although the new pantry is awesome because it has pull out shelves!  I can't wait!  Plus I'm going to have a closet just around the corner from my kitchen that I can also put some larger appliances in if I don't have enough space in my kitchen, or just want the convenience.  Believe me, I can't WAIT to organize that kitchen.

Now I'm going to leave you with some dream pantries.  Who doesn't dream of something like this in their kitchen?  So beautiful and organized.  It also makes me wonder how long it actually stays that way...

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Baby Bump - 37 Weeks

We are getting so close now!  I remember with Alyssa and Luke that it's the last few weeks of pregnancy that seems to move like molasses.  I don't know if i feel that way yet this time around.  Time is still cruising by, and I'm struggling to find the time to get done everything that I want to get done before my time is up.  

I'm definitely feeling more swollen over the past couple of weeks.  I can feel it most in my hands and my calves/ankles.  I don't even know who's legs they are!  They're certainly not mine, that's for sure.  

Baby #3 at 36 weeks and 37 weeks
I don't know if it's just me, but I can definitely see a difference between my 36 week picture and my 37 week picture this week.  My stomach is growing!  This baby is growing!  And I'm getting chubbier in the face.  Ah the joys of pregnancy :)

I had another doctor's appointment on Tuesday.  Now I get to see my awesome OB doctor every week.  I feel like we're besties now :)  He's so full of comedy too.  Yesterday, he was making sure that baby was still head down, or locked and loaded as he called it, and he assured me that baby wouldn't be more than 9-12 pounds.  We both laughed and he said, "No no.  It's still pretty little."  I really love my OB and I hope he's able to make it for the birth this time around.  He was able to deliver Alyssa, but not Luke, so we'll see.  No other real updates at the doctor this week.  Baby's heart rate is at 140, which it pretty much has been in the ballpark the whole time.

This week also marks a big week for work.  I've moved into the town office from out at the mine.  It makes me and Brett feel so much better knowing that I'm not an hour away from the hospital.  I've never actually gone into labor during the middle of the day, but anything is possible.

How I'm Feeling: Overall...I'm feeling pretty cruddy lol.  I wish I could lie about it, but i can't!  I'm definitely waddling now, which really just makes me laugh.  I'm trying to drink as much water and move around as much as possible just to make myself feel better.

A couple of highlights would be:

  1. I did something to my upper back right around my right shoulder blade.  It just hurts like crazy when i sit certain ways, or do certain things.  Sometimes I just plain need to be standing because it hurts less.
  2. My pelvis hurts.  I know baby is in the right position because my pelvis tells me so.  Sometimes when I get up from sitting it hurts so bad to start walking around, or in the middle of the night when I try to change's a nightmare.  
I'm really not complaining because I know that it's all almost over, but these are just fun things about being so close to being done.  I can tell you this, this time around has not been as hard on my body as carrying Luke was.  Man he's a little tank!

Sleep:  Sleep has been a challenge.  I've been sleeping with a pillow between my legs some nights because I think it seems to help (some what) with my pelvis hurting.  The only downfall is that it makes me really warm when I sleep and I don't like that either.  Ultimately, I've been back and forth about using the pillow or not using the pillow.  Besides that, I've been sleeping pretty well.  I just want more of it :)

Movement:  Lots and LOTS of movement.  Jabs and rolls seem to be #3's preferred method of movement these days.  Sometimes, when I think it's stretching, it puts so much pressure on my bladder and cervix that it really does hurt.  Too bad there isn't anything that I can do about it at this point.  3 more weeks!

I don't know if I should put this here or not, but I've been having tons of Braxton Hicks contractions too.  Like all.the.time.  I just hope it's doing something and not just there to be annoying.

Food Cravings:  I have been so ridiculously hungry this week.  It's like nothing can fulfill my apatite.  I have been craving citrus actually.  I want a HUGE glass of orange juice right now, but my heartburn has also flared back up.  I'm trying to stay away, but sometimes I just can't.

Maternity Clothes: Nothing fits over the bump.  I decided that I'm carrying too low for maternity shirts.  3 more weeks and then I won't need them anymore, or at least not to fit over a huge bump, possibly like a 4-5 month bump.  That's way more manageable.

I seriously can't wait to have my body back and to be able to fit back into some of my regular clothes. I always feels like Christmas when you go back to your regular wardrobe because half of the stuff in there I have forgotten exists.

What are you looking forward to:  We've been pretty busy over the past couple of weeks getting ready for baby.  It's been a lot of work, and maybe has contributed to my back pain, but I can honestly say that I think we're ready for baby whenever #3 decides to make it's appearance.

37 weeks with Luke; 37 weeks with #3

I'm actually wearing the same shirt in my comparison picture for 37 weeks.  I don't know about these two.  I think it's hard to tell the difference this time!  Maybe I'm ever so slightly bigger with #3.  I just hope this baby doesn't break the 8 lb barrier.  I'd like to stay in the 7 lb range.  I guess we'll find out soon!

Do you have a guess as to what #3 might be?  Go!  Put your guesses in on my baby pool!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Getting ready for #3 - Stage 1

This project is a multiple stage project.  Our current house is starting to get a little bit on the small side.  It's just a little over 1800 square feet total with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.  It has been a great house, but now that there are going to be 5 people living in it we have to change things around.

I've decided that I'm breaking down this huge project into a few parts because it's just easier for me to grasp and handle getting a little bit done at a time.  We waited until after the holidays to get things ready for baby #3, and there's a part of me that's very glad that we did and a part that isn't so pleased about my decision.   I really got to enjoy the holidays with my family which was amazing!  And we got to do some fun projects and baking.  But at this stage in the game (36 weeks), I'm not as ambitious as I once was.  I'm getting tired a lot more quickly and my body just aches.

Anyway, no more whining.  These are things we need to get done!  So here are my stages:

  1. Move Luke into Alyssa's Room 
  2. Find Baby Things
  3. Clean Baby Things
  4. Set Up Baby's Room
  5. Wait for Baby 
This past weekend we tackled the crazy task of moving Luke into Alyssa's room in the basement.  

We started out with Luke upstairs in what I'd like to call the nursery still, and Alyssa downstairs in our 3rd bedroom.  

Disclaimer: There is a lot of mess and clutter while we are moving things around so I apologize in advance.

Alyssa's bedroom in the basement just kind of became that out of the blue, so we've VERY slowly added a few things here and there to her room to make it feel more like hers.  We also had a lot of our stuff in there too.  Check out the left corner of the room for example.  It is a stack of pillows, blankets, and computer towers.  Talk about an awesome storage spot lol.  

First we had to find a new home for all the "stuff" in Alyssa's room before we could even think about moving Luke's bed downstairs.  So we got to packing.  The awesome thing about having another house is that we can store things in it :)

In February, the in-laws are going to be heading to to see the new baby and to bring their annual shipment of beef.  It's become a big deal around here, so they bring down a trailer.  Let me tell you, that trailer is NOT going to be empty heading back up to the ranch.  I've got big plans to get rid of things around our house that we don't currently use or is just taking up space in this house.  We need as much room as we can possibly make!

So we moved out all the toys, pillows, and other things.  We were able to keep the printer in the room by just simple rearranging.   Now they share a room together!  

It's actually a perfect size room to fit their beds and books.  Luke was so excited when he saw his bed downstairs in sissy's room.  He climbed right up on it and snuggled it.  It was very adorable.  

Here is Luke in his bed in sissy's room the first night!

Let's just say they did ok.  There was a lot of coming out at the beginning, but once they fell asleep it was smooth sailing.  Now that it's been a few nights, Alyssa completely ignores Luke and just goes to bed.  She's such a sound sleeper anyway that it doesn't really matter what he does.  Thank the Lord!

As for the nursery, now that Luke's bed isn't in there I can start organizing what is in there.  I previously have spent some time doing a bit of restructuring in the closet.  I took out all of Alyssa's clothes and brought them downstairs, so now I have room for baby's clothes.  But this is where I started.  So much random stuff.

So I took most of it out and put a lot of it in storage, or threw things away.  I know it's not an amazing transformation at this point, but we're making progress.  That's what I'm happy about.  

When we were cleaning things out to move Luke's bed I also ran across a few baby things that I was excited to find, like my Boppy pillow.  I definitely will be needing that.  

Currently, I've been throwing things into the crib that I need to keep out for baby, and still need to clean.  Next stage is a TON of laundry.  I am looking forward to finding everything, but I for see a lot of cleaning in my future. Plus we are just going to be making a bigger mess before we can get things organized for good.  Good thing we have 4 weeks left!...hopefully :)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Stitch Fix Review - January 2016!

What a great way to start the New Year!  2016 here we come!  I have my Stitch Fix set up to send me a new Fix once a month and in December it was supposed to be scheduled for Christmas Eve day.  I decided that I would wait until after the holidays to receive this Fix because it would just be more fun and less chaotic.  Plus, as I said what a fun way to start the new year!

I was 34 weeks pregnant when I received my Fix, so I'm definitely not hiding #3 anymore.  I asked my Stylist, Tina, to not send me anymore maternity clothes in this Fix or ever again for that matter.  I liked the maternity things that I received, but I'm just not willing to spend the money on them since I'm done soon and forever.  I'm going to be getting rid of everything here pretty soon, which is a great feeling actually, and a whole different blog posting!

I forgot to copy my comment to my Stylist this month, but in a nutshell I told her no more maternity clothes, I asked her for some more cold weather completer pieces (cardigans, jackets, vests, things that I can wear now and later), and I've been looking for some rose gold jewelry to change up the metals in my jewelry box.  I typically write to my Stylist right after I send back my last order and close out.  This way things are fresh on my mind, but if I think of things later, I'll go back and make changes as I think of things.

This is what her note said to me:

"Hello Amie! I added a selection of outerwear pieces this time for you to try on.  I found a wonderful purple cardigan that has a thicker knit, perfect for the winter season.  The RD Style jacket is more structured and has look similar to some of your pins.  It would look wonderful open until the baby arrives.  I thought you would love the Nakamol necklace as well since you're a geologist!  It's handmade in Thailand by local artisans from real quartz stones plus gold/silver plating.  It will be a great accent to any of your outfits.  I hope the holidays treated you well Amie!  Have an amazing new year.  -XOXO, Tina"

If you don't know how Stitch Fix works, check out all the details here.  Basically, it's a subscription box that sends you 5 items (clothing and accessories) for a $20 styling fee.  If you keep anything at all, the styling fee is applied to the items purchased. If you keep all 5 items you get 25% off the entire box!  It's pretty exciting to see what your stylist has in store for you, and to get things sent to you that you might not normally give a second thought to.  If you'd like to try it out here is my referral code.

Lets get onto the fun 7th Fix!

I'm a cheater...I once again looked online to see if I could find anything on the internet before my box got here.  This time around I could actually only find two of the five things in my box, so it definitely left some mystery to what I was getting.

Market & Spruce Lanta Open Drape Cardigan - Small - $68.00

I was able to see this on on another blog and I wasn't sure what I thought of it.  When I saw it in the box, I really loved the purples.  I really LOVE purple, and want some more in my wardrobe.

I tried it on, and I wanted to be in love.  It was definitely a warm and cozy sweater, I'll give it that.  Overall it was just too big on me, and if I'm going to spend $60+ on a sweater I want it to fit the way that I want it to fit.  Granted I wasn't trying my all on the day that I was taking pictures (I refuse to put on shoes and change into skinny pants unless very necessary at this stage in my pregnancy).  I'm sure I could have styled it differently and probably would have liked it a bit better, but again still a stay at home kind of cardigan.


RD Style Rhonda Faux Leather Jacket - Small - $78.00

I had pinned a bunch of outerwear to my Pinterest board this past month because I thought it would be fun to get some cute pieces.  I've seen a lot of cute pieces on other people's blogs, so I thought I'd give it a chance.

I don't own a faux leather or real leather jacket but I've always wanted one.  I was definitely excited to see this piece.  When I opened my Fix I was so happy that it wasn't black, it's grey.  I'm just not a huge black person.  I also loved the neckline and the paneling in the back and on the arms.  Such a neat idea!

Obviously, I can't actually zip up the coat at this time, but I know i will be able to once my bump is gone.  There is just so much give in this jacket which is awesome!  You know how some jackets are hard to move your arms in or really just move around in at all...this one isn't BECAUSE of the panels!  LOVE IT! I tried to get a couple good pictures of the panels too.

I actually decided I was buying this the day that I opened my box.  I was going out on the town with my husband and another couple and this jacket totally completed my outfit!  I'm so glad this was in my Fix this month.  Such a versatile piece for my closet.


Octavia Coleman Plaid Infinity Scarf - One Size - $34.00

I was able to check this one out on the internet too.  I wasn't sure about the colors, but I was definitely willing to give it a go.  I like green, but not always on me.  When I first saw it was just wasn't sure how I would like it, but it is SO SOFT.  I wanted to keep it to just keep touching it.

I don't wear these colors very much, and definitely not together.  Probably the only color that I actually own from this pallet is blue.  It was kind of a big scarf, but not as blanket like as the last scarf I was sent.  I could see myself wearing this one as a cold weather outside scarf, but probably not a fashion scarf if that makes sense.  I put it on with the RD Style Rhonda Faux Leather Jacket and I actually really loved the look.  I thought it was very cute and warm, but just because I like it with one thing in my wardrobe doesn't mean I'm going to have a ton of things to wear it with.  Unfortunately I had to say goodbye to the SUPER SOFT scarf.


41Hawthorn Obelyn Patterned Drape Jacket - Small - $88.00

I had no idea what this piece was going to look like, but I did tell my stylist that I like the different material trend.  She definitely came through.  When I opened my box I thought this was going to be the for sure winner of this Fix.

I absolutely love the color pallet.  It's so different then things I typically see.

This jacket had so many things going for it.  It had nice draping and the seams were in great locations so that it didn't seem too bulky but fitted almost.  It also had pockets!  Very cool.  The material was very heavy duty, so I have no doubt that it would withstand mom-dom.  The more I looked at it though and the more I had it on the more I wasn't convinced that I loved it.  There were all kinds of thoughts going through my head...It's a little upholstery looking, It reminds me of an older lady, I don't know what the draping is going to look like sans bump.  Then I looked at the price and I just wasn't sure about $88.  

So, since I just could come to terms with what I thought of this jacket I had to let it go.


Nakamol Seneca Quartz Crescent Necklace - Once Size - $38.00

This was my first piece of jewelry in a Fix, so I was pretty excited about it.  I told Tina that I'm a geologist, so the more "geologic" you can find the better!  This is the little number that she sent me.

When I first saw it, I thought how neat is this!  It's like nothing I've ever seen before.  As Tina stated in her note to me, it is hand crafted in Thailand by local artisans.  It wasn't exactly what I was envisioning in my Fix, but it's pretty awesome!

It can be worn at 3 different lengths due to the clasps that are spread out along the chain.  That's also a great feature.  

This is me, wearing it on the middle location so it could be longer or shorter then this.

I really thought it was so unique, but as I had it in my hand and on me I wasn't really sure what exactly I would wear it with.  And my life is pretty casual right now, so I think i need some more casual everyday type jewelry.  This is a wonderful piece and with the quartz has a bit of geology involved, but ultimately it's just not for me at this point in my life.


Overall, Stitch Fix #7 was pretty awesome.  I love Tina more and more with every Fix she sends me.  She listens to what I'm saying and takes the time to check out my Pinterest board to see what I've been diggin' lately.  

I might have only kept one thing this time around, but I LOVE my new jacket to pieces, and, if I wasn't being so picking, I definitely could have kept everything and I would have been happy in the long run.  

Since my due date is February 9th, I've decided to take a couple month break from Stitch Fix.  I'm starting back up again mid-March though, and hopefully Tina will be back with me too!  We'll see how I'm feeling and how I want to be styled once I lose my bump!  

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Baby Bump - 35 weeks

Another 2 weeks have gone by.  Now I'm really starting to feel it.  If i remember correctly this is when things got real when I was pregnant with Luke too.  

There are 5ish weeks left and I think I'm ready?  Maybe?  I don't know if anyone is ever really ready.  There are definitely things that I still need to get done, like finding everything in storage and getting it washed.  We have also decided that we're going to be moving Luke into Alyssa's room probably this weekend.  I'm SUPER nervous about that one.  I guess we'll see how that all works out.

34 weeks with #3; 35 weeks with #3
I had a doctor's appointment this week, and now we're moving to one appointment every week.  I'm going to see my doctor a lot now.  This time I had to get my Tdap vaccine, my Group B strep test, and my doctor checked to see what baby's position is.  I am very happy to announce that baby is head down!  I have had sooooo much anxiety about the position of this little being, and it's good to hear that #3 is locked and loaded!

I also had my prehospitalization registration.  I hear that not everywhere does this and I'm so very thankful that my hospital does because there is no way that I'd want to fill out paperwork in labor.  There are some really great questions that you get asked.  My favorite was probably: Is your husband the father of your baby?  Love it.  The lady that was doing my registration said they've had some pretty good stories.  Boy would I love to be a fly on the wall there!

So overall this week has been very busy, but productive.  I'm basically ready to go whenever #3 decides to make its appearance.

Now for the nitty gritty.

How I'm Feeling: As I said before, I'm starting to really feel things happening.  I've been having pelvic pains, and it's just plain hard to move around.  One of the worst things about having a winter baby is that you have to wear shoes, and they're not always slip on.  I can tell this baby is getting ready to go because it is sitting LOW.  Just like its big brother.

I've also started to swell a bit.  Nothing alarming, but I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring this week.   I can tell that my ankles and calves have swollen a bit as well.

Sleep:  I have not been sleeping well at all.  With the combination of Luke waking up at random times, and me tossing and turning, it makes for little actual good sleep.  It's so hard to turn over in bed these days too.  My stomach is just so stinkin' heavy!  I've probably grained about 20-25 lbs so far, and I'm definitely feeling that.  I guess we're just getting ready for baby to come.

Movement:  There is still a lot of movement only now it's intentional and angry sometimes.  #3 is loosing space fast and taking it out on my bladder and my ribs.  When we make the hour drive to and from work #3 is ALL OVER THE PLACE.  It's gotten to be super uncomfortable.  At first it was cute because I knew that I would be feeling my baby moving around, but now it just makes me have to go to the bathroom.

Food Cravings:  I haven't had too many lately actually.  I just want to eat food.  Sometimes I feel like I'm so hungry I could eat everything.  Then other days nothing at all sounds good to me.  It's very strange for me.  I'm just going with the flow though and trying to get in as many good calories as I can.

Maternity Clothes: I'm still wearing a few shirts that fit me properly.  I just rotate, so I'm pretty sure at this point I'm wearing the same few shirts every week.  I'm definitely ok with that.  I try to change it up with what I'm wearing over it or with accessories.  It's been enough of a variety to keep me from going crazy.

What are you looking forward to:  I am looking forward to getting some things prepared for #3.  Now that things are finally settling down from the holidays it's time.  I think this weekend we are going into storage to find clothes!  I'm excited to bring them all out again because it's been 2 years since I've seen all the newborn clothes.  Every time I look at them I can't believe how tiny a newborn is especially compared to my two big kids!  We will see how much we can get done this weekend and I'll update you on our progress.

I finally have my belly shots from all 3 pregnancies!  Bumps at 35 weeks.  I think #3 looks "fuller" from top to bottom.  Alyssa was for sure the highest baby, and #3 looks like it's working on being the lowest.  Gravity speaks.  What do you think?

Do you have a guess as to what #3 might be?  Go!  Put your guesses in on my baby pool!

35 weeks with Alyssa; 35 weeks with Luke, 35 weeks with #3

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Luke's 2nd Birthday!

On January 1st, we rang in the New Year buy celebrating my little man's 2nd birthday.  It's really an awesome way to start the year, every year! 

Reflecting on his two years of life, I'm just so proud of him.  I know that might sound weird since he's only 2, but I truly am.  He's just such a wonderful little kid.  He's full of joy, and compassion.  My little Lukey has such a kind soul.  I definitely can't get enough of his snuggles.  I love how he say, "Hi Mom, Hi Dada, Hi Sissy".  If you've ever watched Daniel Tiger you'll know what I'm talking about.  One of the sweetest little things he does is he'll get really close to your face, rub his nose on your nose and say, "ugga mugga Mom" really quietly.  It melts my heart every time.

I can't wait to see what this year brings for him.  Obviously he's going to be a big brother for the first time!  I'm VERY excited to see how he treats our new baby.  I think he's going to be very sweet, but you never do know with kids.

Now for the birthday boys big day!

To start the day out, we had balloons with Blaze and the Monster Machines!  Luke's favorite right now.  And we had little mini doughnuts, also a favorite.  He loves the chocolate ones the best.

Grandma and Grandpa Garcia were in town, so we decided to go out for brunch at Eggington's to celebrate Luke's birthday.  Luke LOVES his breakfast.  I believe he ate three scrambled eggs, some fruit, and a bit of pancake before he was through.  Oh and I can't forget the freshly squeezed orange juice either :)

Once brunch was over we (the ladies of the group) had to get back home to frost and decorate our Blase and the Monster Machines birthday cake!  I've been envisioning this cake for a while now.  I've been pinning things on Pinterest too.

Here is how it turned out!

Luke was SO excited when he saw it.  He wanted to add a bunch more trucks to his cake, plus he wanted to add his large Blaze truck.  Which would have been the whole cake, so we had to keep convincing him that it looked ok as is.  

And before we were through, Luke had to have a "taste" of the frosting.

Then, it was time to eat cake!  Luke had been waiting to bust into that cake all day.  All he could talk about was cake!  If you want to watch the Happy Birthday video you can watch it here.  He was so happy and he looked kind of surprised as well.

There is so much concentration when it comes to opening gifts.  Luke has it down though after Christmas and his birthday this year.  Alyssa was getting impatient with him because he wasn't just tearing things up.  He was pretty particular.  

I would have to say his favorite present has been his lawn mower from Uncle John, Aunt Carolynn, Isaiah and Isaac.  He just LOVES pushing that things around the house.  I think he liked it even more because his sister wanted it too.  

Overall, I think Luke had a fabulous 2nd birthday.  It was very low key, but he was all smiles and full of happiness the whole day through.  It was so much fun to watch him have his special day.