Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Our Deck

I think we've been working on our house now for two years.  Talk about crazy!  This spring we decided that it was definitely time to do some work on the outside of the house.  Since it's been such a nice spring, its been ideal to get some things done now before summer hits.  It's been a bit slow moving due to some weather up in the Dakotas, but since we're not there anyway it doesn't really matter.  When we were at the ranch over Easter, we got to see some of the work completed, but there was still a ways to go.  The outside work is not completed, but the deck is finally!  

Yesterday, we got our first pictures of the deck and I can't wait to share them.  It looks so much better then I could have ever imagined.  I am SO pleased with our contractor's work.  He never ceases to amaze me.  I totally trusted him with his design too.  We went in telling him that we wanted an over hang of some kind over our front door and our mudroom door.  He told us ok no problem.  He never told us exactly what he was going to do, but it's perfect.  

Here is the front door!  It give our once very rectangular house some more character that I LOVE!  Plus it gives it a rustic flare that I love.  It gives our house the entry way that I was hoping for.  

This next pictures shows how the deck wraps around the side of the house, which leads to the mudroom entrance.  As you can see there is a form in the foreground of the picture.  This is the pad for the driveway, or for the little bit of apron that we have to get into the garage anyway.  

Then for the mudroom entrance which is just around the corner where the deck is headed.  It looks so wonderful!  The overhang will give the entrance just enough protection for those cruddy days. I know Brett will enjoy using this entrance.   

Then, as you can see, the deck continues on around to the back of the house!  In total the deck wraps around more then half of the house.  It's awesome!  

I can't tell you how excited I am about this deck.  I can picture us sitting out on the deck enjoying a glass of wine and watching the sunset.  I also can picture my children running up and down it having races.  Our house is starting to look more like a home and I just can't wait to move in!  In another year that is...that means many more updates to go!

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