Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Baby Bump - 31 weeks

I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going by!  I'm officially 31 weeks pregnant today.  I definitely waited a while to do an update this time.  With the holidays and everything coming up, there have been so many distracting things on my list of to dos.  We are getting so close!  Only 9 weeks left!!!  Single digits!

28 weeks to 31 weeks progression photos
I don't feel like I have grown a ton in the past 4 weeks though.  I did a comparison pictures last week (at 30 weeks) of my bump with Luke and my bump with #3.  I think my bumps are definitely different in these pictures.  My bump with Luke appears to be a little bit more pointy, and this bump seems to be VERY round.  I'm actually shocked how round it appears!  
Bump with Luke @ 30 weeks; Bump with #3 @ 30 weeks
But then I did a comparison from this week at 31 weeks and I don't see the same differences.  Maybe Luke was sitting really funny in there that day.  Who knows.  It could probably be a lot of things, like the clothes that i'm wearing, the angle of the picture...anything.  Now for how I've been feeling over these past four weeks.

31 weeks with Luke; 31 weeks with #3

How I'm Feeling: Over the past 4 weeks I have really started to feel more pregnant.  I would say that up until now this pregnancy has been pretty easy.  It's been harder to move around, get up from the couch and get out of bed.  The kids have been really helpful though, and are learning a little bit of responsibility :)

I've been having a lot of hip pain, so my OB referred me to a physical therapist.  I have my first appointment on Thursday, so hopefully that helps me feel a bit better and maybe even have better movement myself.

Sleep:  Sleep surprisingly has still been ok, as long as the kids that are already in the house aren't coming to find me in the middle of my sleep.  I am so thankful that I haven't been having a lot of pain while I sleep or charlie horses.  It's been so very nice!  I hope I can enjoy this sleep before baby comes because who knows how #3 is going to sleep.

Movement:  I can definitely tell that things are getting tighter in there for baby.  Baby moves around a ton, but the movements are more jabby and aggressive.  I'm not exactly sure how baby is situated in there, and I'm pretty sure this little one has been flipping around a lot the whole time.  I know that it's ok and normal for baby to be doing this still, but it gives me anxiety since my other two kids were already engaged at this point.  I really don't want to have to have a c-section for #3.  So I just keep praying that this will not be the case.  

Food Cravings:  Anything and everything that's sweet.  I've also been craving a lot more water then I normally do.  My body knows that it needs it I suppose.  This is one reason why it's so hard to be pregnant (this pregnant) over the holidays.  It was pretty much the same way when I was pregnant with Luke, and it's so hard to resist all the holiday goodies!  We have been doing a lot of baking too...bad me ;)

Maternity Clothes: I've given up on clothes.  I just wear the same things every week I think.  My shirts seem to be getting shorter some how.  I don't remember them being this short at this stage last time.  I have gotten a few new shirts from Target that seem longer so those are now my go to shirts.  There are only about 9 weeks left, so we are going to make it!

Other: At 28 weeks I did my gestational diabetes test and I passed!  That's a huge relief considering my need for sweets.  I've never had it with any of my previous pregnancies so I wasn't anticipating having it this time either.

What are you looking forward to:  I am looking forward to my appointment this Thursday!  We are finally having another ultrasound to see how my placenta and baby are doing.  I have good feelings about this, but I'm definitely excited to see baby again!  I'm going to have to remind my doctor that we don't know what the sex of the baby is.  At this point we are so close!  I really don't want to find out now.

I'm going to try to do these updates every couple of weeks now that things are definitely changing!  I can't believe we are so close to the end already and we'll get to meet baby and find out if it's a boy or a girl!  Not too long now :)

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