Friday, March 20, 2015

Starting a New Adventure

This is obviously my first post and I'm very excited to be doing this.  I have always loved to journal and have thought that maybe blogging would be something fun for me to try. we go!

My family is going to be embarking on a HUGE life change.  Since I married my husband we have been talking and dreaming about when we are going to be moving back to the family ranch.  The time is drawing nearer.  We started construction on our ranch home last April (2014).  We still haven't completely finished it yet, but it's so close now.  I'll add more about the house later, but here's a picture to let you see what we've been up to.

I have lived in a city my whole life, maybe not huge cities, but a city nun the less.  I have no idea what to expect or how this is going to all play out, but I think I'm ready for this huge life change for me and my family.  

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