Monday, March 30, 2015

Our House: The Beginning

My Husband (H) and I have been talking about building our home since we got married.  Last year we finally pulled the plug.  We found a bunch of local contractors to help in the matter.

The first decision was figure out where exactly we wanted to build our house.  I know H had thought about it a lot over the years, so we started with that.  When we finally decided on the location, we had the earth moved.  It was such a crazy day, and I'm thankful that we actually got to be there that day and take part in the ground breaking.  It all started in April 2014.  Almost a year later, our home is pretty much completed.

Here it is in the beginning.  This is ground breaking day.  It was a pretty nice day at the end of April.  We had some idea of the orientation we wanted the house.  Once we got the contractor and the dirt mover up there we had to make a few changes.  On that day, I wasn't exactly excited about that changes, but now that it's there, I don't mind them at all.  There was also concern about the location of the garage.  Originally, we were going to connect the house and the garage, but...the house ended up being a little to long for the location to be doing this.  This is also a decision that I am ok with since it's still VERY close to the house.  

It was a very surreal day.  We were finally starting this whole thing.  Now that I look back at it all, I would definitely have done a few things differently, but overall I am so excited about what we have created.  

Friday, March 20, 2015

A Bit About Myself

I currently live with my husband and two kids.  They are the best things that have ever happened to me.

My husband and will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary this summer.

My daughter is 3 years old and a very spunky little gal.

And my little boy is 14 months old and such a cuddly little joy.

My husband and i met in college where we both got degrees in geology.  We work for the same mining company currently, but obviously will be ranchers in the near future.  I'm not exactly sure what I am going to be doing once we move, so this is definitely a concern of mine when moving to the country.  

I am 31 and really just enjoying life.  I enjoy reading, scrapbooking, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.  I definitely enjoy being a mom and there will most definitely be posts about my children and family.  

So you might be wondering where this ranch is?  Well, it's located in western South Dakota.  I actually grew up in Sioux Falls, SD so it's not too far from what i'm used to there, I've just never lived in the country.  If you know anything about SD you know that they split it up by East River and West River, so I grew up East River and we'll be moving West River.  Check out this website if you've never heard of it: 

It's definitely "a thing".

Anyway...that's a little bit about me and my family for now.  

Starting a New Adventure

This is obviously my first post and I'm very excited to be doing this.  I have always loved to journal and have thought that maybe blogging would be something fun for me to try. we go!

My family is going to be embarking on a HUGE life change.  Since I married my husband we have been talking and dreaming about when we are going to be moving back to the family ranch.  The time is drawing nearer.  We started construction on our ranch home last April (2014).  We still haven't completely finished it yet, but it's so close now.  I'll add more about the house later, but here's a picture to let you see what we've been up to.

I have lived in a city my whole life, maybe not huge cities, but a city nun the less.  I have no idea what to expect or how this is going to all play out, but I think I'm ready for this huge life change for me and my family.