Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Moving Update

This past weekend we got our first shipment of stuff moved up to our new house thanks to some friends that brought down a huge trailer to load things in.  We got most of the basement moved over.  I think we've probably got two loads left though.  We'll see how well we can pack another trailer.  We also took up the Mustang to park in the garage there.  That's all that car seems to do...

Anyway, so once we got there we headed over to the new house to start some cleaning,  Brett cleaned all the walls and I started on the floors.  There is just so much dust that we're going to have to make another couple of passes at the floor I believe.  Plus we're still moving things in, so people are going to be tracking in all kinds of dust still.  

Once, we got that kind of taken care of, Brett started installing the closet organizers.  We decided to go with organizers from an online company called EasyClosets.  They were wonderful to work with, and will design your closet for you if you'd like.  We talked on the phone and finally once we knew what we wanted and were sure about it, we made our purchase.  We purchased four closets worth, and they were shipped to our house for free!  So awesome.  We've actually had them sitting around for awhile...probably since November so it was time to get them installed for sure.  I'm pretty impressed with them and Brett really liked them too.  They weren't too hard to install once you got the hang of it, and I'm pretty sure they're not ever going to be going anywhere if you know what I mean.  These are the two organizers in our kids bedrooms.  

Olivia and I had to take a break from the fun so we sat on the only thing that was in the house, a rug.  I impressed myself with this purchase.  We bought it online and I just prayed that it was going to match the paint and everything in the room.  It's PERFECT!  I couldn't be more happy with it.  

Then we started to get things put into the living room.  We brought over our sectional couch and our new entertainment center.

Boy was it nice to see something that we've been talking about for years finally come together!  We have had the couch for years in the basement and now it's finally going to get some good use.  The entertainment center we found at our local Sam's Club!  It was an awesome price and just the right size so we couldn't refuse.  Olivia is already enjoying the new digs :) 

In a nutshell, that's pretty much all we got done.  With three kids it is kind of tough.  Also, little Olivia had one really terrible day where she just cried.  I'm pretty sure she was having some tummy issues that day.  Poor little thing.  But here are a few more pictures just for fun!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

What a Week...

Oh boy!  It has been one crazy week for my family.  I can't even begin to explain how crazy and complicated it has been.  I'll start with last Friday night...

On Friday night, Luke had a mild fever and was acting pretty irritable.  Saturday, Brett took him to Urgent Care.  Luke told the doctor that he had a scrap on his leg, so he got a Bugs Bunny band-aid.  We also found out that he has and ear infection.  So we got him some antibiotics and thought we were done with it.

Sunday things were more noticeable.  I put two and two together and determined that Luke has Hand Foot and Mouth.  What a bummer.  Needless to say, we've been cleaning our house and washing our hands like CRAZY people.  We've also been trying to keep both of the girls away from him as much as possible.

This is the first time we've had this in our home, so we didn't really know what it was all about.  After some research and communication with our doctor, I finally am starting to feel like our home isn't an infected cesspool.  I don't do well with sickness or things that are highly contagious.  It makes me crazy!

For those of you that don't know what Hand Foot and Mouth is, it's basically a rash.  People get it mainly on their hands, feet, in their mouth and on their butt actually.  Luke had it mainly in his mouth and on his butt.  The mouth part made him miserable.  He wouldn't eat or drink for basically a whole day.  We had to force him to drink.  It was so sad.  Everyday it has gotten a bit better though.  I'm glad he didn't have it as bad as some people get it.  I've googled and looked at some pictures.  

Today he is feeling like a million buck basically.  We took him back to the doctor yesterday to get the ok, and he's back at school.  Neither of the girls have gotten it....yet, and I hope that they don't.  Brett and I also haven't gotten it and surprisingly I was less nervous about us getting it then them, and we were the ones touching him!  

The next thing that happened this week I have to give a little bit of back story to.  Basically two weeks ago, the company that Brett and I work for told us that they are going to be laying off 85 people in the offices in our area.  So we've basically just been waiting and waiting to hear what the fate of our jobs are.  It's been roller coaster of emotions for both of us.  

We knew that things were going down this week, and unfortunately we had to take turns staying home with sick kiddos!  What a mess.  Monday I stayed at home with the kids so Brett could go to work and see what was going on.  The layoff started on Monday, but Brett didn't hear anything at that time.  Then Brett stayed home on Tuesday and I went to work.  Tuesday morning I got called in and was laid off.  I packed up my office and headed home at about noon.  

It's so surreal to be laid off.  I have worked for the same company since I got out of school.  It's been 9 years almost exactly.  Brett and I talked a lot about what our options were before any of the layoff even happened.  But now that it's finally here it's just strange.  I've never not had a job like this before, and I've never been laid off before.   

Then we just had to wait it out the to see what was going to happen to Brett.  He went to work on Wednesday and called me at about 1030 to tell me that he was also laid off!  So here we go!  The name of my blog is about to actually take place! 


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Olivia - 3 months

I'm a few days late, but Olivia is now 3 months old!  She is getting to be so much fun too.  I feel like she knows that she's not a newborn anymore if that makes sense.  The outfit that she's in in her 3 month picture, all of my kiddos have worn.  I just love it and think it's adorable.  It has tiny giraffes on it.  Such a cute gender neutral outfit.  I might be keeping this one in my keepsake box.


Olivia's neck strength is getting so much better.  She loves to be propped up to be able to look at everything around her.  All my kids have been like that.  It's so much easier to hold her now because she isn't as floppy.  That makes such a difference when I'm trying to put together a bottle in the middle of the night.  

I don't want to rush things, but I'm so excited for all the wonderful milestones that are going to be coming up in the next few months!  Things are starting to get fun I feel like.  The first 3 months are definitely the hardest.


Olivia has always been a great sleeper.  This month she has been pretty consistently sleeping a stretch of 6-7 hours.  This typically is her first stretch at night.  It's been great!  Typically she goes down for the evening at 8 and sleeps until 2-3 o'clock.  Since I also went back to work this month I have only been waking up with her every other night.  So I think over all I feel pretty good personally.  

She has been taking probably 3-4 naps during the day.  Typically 2 hour long naps and then one longer 2-2.5 hour nap.  If I wait too long to get her down for a nap though, she is a BEAR.  It's so hard to get her to sleep then.  At daycare, they have had a lot of trouble getting her to sleep.  I think she's just not transitioning as well as I would like her to.

The best thing that has happened all month though is that she slept in her crib!  I was super worried about transitioning her from her Rock n' Play to the crib.  She's just getting too big for the Rock n' Play, so last weekend I decided I was going to try it.  She slept just as long as she did in the Rock n' Play, so I couldn't be more happy!  Way to go Olivia!


Olivia goes in spurts where she eats really well and then she eats just ok.  This has not been either one of my other kids.  It makes me wonder if she's going to be my picky eater.  At the beginning of the month she was eating between 20-25 oz a day.  The second half of the month, it's been more like 16-20 oz.  She's just such a weird eater.  She's still gaining weight and she doesn't seem to be upset or fussy about it, so we just keep going on with life.  She's just going to be my smallest baby.


It has been so much fun to watch Olivia "play" this month.  She's starting to actually try to grab or hit things that are hanging on her play mat.  She's also started to spin herself around to get a better view of things.  It's been funny to walk away for a second and when you come back she's turned herself sideways on her play mat.  She doesn't like it when she has a dangling toy sitting on her head lol.  

She also will play for a lot longer then she did last month.  She'll hang out on the play mat for probably a good 15 minute as long as she's not hungry or tired.  


This month we didn't go anywhere or see any family, which is alright with me.  It's nice to just be able to stay in sometimes too (this coming from an introvert).    Olivia still is in love with Alyssa.  They just have such a sweet little bond.  I hope they keep it forever.  Olivia puts up with a lot of random "love" that Alyssa gives her.

I LOVE this picture of the two of them.  It gets me all emotional every time I stare at it.  SO sweet!

It's just been so much more fun this month.  I know it's going to feel that way every month, but at the same time I'm going to miss never having a baby again.  I'm going to miss not hitting all of these milestones again.  I am so happy that our family is complete, but at the same time it's sad.  All I know is that I'm going to continue to love, enjoy and cherish every moment with all three of my kiddos.