Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fall Family Picture Reveal

I'm finally getting around to doing this post.  I haven't waited too long since we only had the pictures taken a couple of weeks ago.  So here they are!  The big reveal :)

We had them taken on a Tuesday morning b/c we happened to be up at the ranch for a long weekend because of weening.  Everyone was in good spirits that morning, the sun was out, and it wasn't crazy windy anymore (the two days before were ridiculous!).  Needless to say, I was feeling pretty good about our odds of getting a good picture.  So I got everyone ready in their outfits and Kat from Little Life Photography was right on time.  She went to take a look around the area to find some good picture locations, and when she got back we all took off.  

The first challenge was Izzy, the family dog.  She decided that as long as we were around the house, she was going to come and sit right next to us.  Not that we all don't love Izzy, but we didn't really want her in our family pictures.  So, while Brett was trying to get her to go sit somewhere else, we snapped a few pictures of me and the kids.  

Alyssa was SO excited to take pictures, 

but Luke on the other hand...he was less than thrilled.  And he definitely let us know.  I'm pretty sure he was having a rough time with his molars coming in that weekend.  As you can see in the previous picture, he had his finger in his mouth.  He didn't want to be put down either.  Unfortunately, that means we didn't get any pictures of Luke on his own except for one...on the 4-wheeler.

We we able to get a picture of Luke with Brett and I individually, but nothing together or with Alyssa.  And even those were forced.  Hopefully we'll be able to get some good pictures of the kids once #3 is here.  I've got another photo session scheduled in February :)

We were able to get a few pictures of the family that I think turned out really well though, so I can't be upset about it all together.  I'm actually really happy that we FINALLY have a new family picture (right before #3 comes into the picture).  Our last family pictures were taken when Alyssa was 1 and she's 4 now...I'm a bit behind.

After we took the pictures in the trees, Luke decided that he was done and he was going to just break down. So...we let him have a little tantrum in the grass, and Brett and I got a few pictures with each other REALLY quickly!

It's been awhile since we've gotten a picture taken of us together.  And there's my little #3 bump as well.  Technically, these are the first pictures that we've taken with our whole family :)  I kinda like that.

Overall, it was a crazy morning, but we did get a few great pictures to be happy about.  I just can't get over how cute our little family is!  Now you'll have to wait until February to see more professional photos of our growing family.  I know I can't wait to get more :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Baby Bump: 24 weeks

It's been a busy few weeks since my last bump update.  We went on a little "vacation" to the family ranch for a long weekend, which was wonderful.  We also went to the local Corn Maze/Pumpkin Patch last weekend.  I'll have to start getting my post on and get some of these activities on the blog!

Once again, here is a comparison picture from my last pregnancy with Luke to this one, #3.  I'm thinking it's fairly similar again, only maybe slightly bigger this time around.  The surprising thing is, I don't feel that big yet most of the time.  Which is actually pretty darn great :)

How I'm Feeling:  I'm still feeling really good.  I'm surprised that I'm feeling so good at this point, but in a good way.  I have had some less than ideal pregnancy symptoms like round ligament pains, pelvic pains, and a TON of heartburn.  I'm pretty sure this kid might be our hairiest one yet.  I have had heartburn in the morning, heartburn at dinner time and heartburn in the middle of the night.  It just comes and goes as it pleases.  I've also had a few episodes of braxton hicks contractions already. I'm not digging that either.  Nothing at all regular, just every once and awhile.

Sleep:  For the most part I have been sleeping ok still.  #3 loves to be active in the middle of the night though, so it's always fun to wake up to some of those kicks and jabs.  Luke has been waking up in the middle of the night to hang out, which is a whole other story, but when i get woken up in the middle of the night it's been super hard to get back to sleep.  Let's just pray that Luke figures things out soon.

Movement:  There is TONS of movement.  This little one is breech at the moment and LOVES to kick right on my bladder.  It's such a weird sensation and I just keep hoping that it'll flip around soon and stop doing that.  I really do enjoy feeling all of the movements though.  It's just very reassuring.

Food Cravings:  I just want food.  Period.  The only problem is if I eat too much, I get heartburn or some form of indigestion.  So I really have to watch how much I'm eating at one time, and just eat smaller portions more often.  My cravings definitely switch every moment.  It seems like I'm thinking of something, but I can't pin point what that something is.  So I just end up eating when I need to eat.

Maternity Clothes: Yup, all maternity now for sure, well besides cardigans and outerwear pieces.  I'm already bored with my wardrobe.  I feel like I did so well being diverse last time.  I think some of it is because I work out at the mine now and nobody cares what I wear, so I don't really try to look as put together.  Not such a great way to think.  I really do enjoy getting dressed up for work everyday.

What are you looking forward to:  I am looking forward to continuing to see how this little one grows, and hopefully a whole lot less heartburn.

Placenta Update:  For those of you that read my last Baby Bump story, I talked about how we had to go to a specialist to get the placenta checked out.  Well, we went down to Cheyenne to have the doctor from Denver check it out.  The ultrasound was really cool, and I'm kind of glad we had the opportunity to have that done just to see everything on a better machine.  Overall, the doctor said that we shouldn't worry, and we'll have to do a growth ultrasound later in the 3rd trimester (which will be at 31 weeks).  So, we are trying to not worry about anything and just continue on with this wonderful pregnancy.  I saw my OB yesterday and baby is growing right on track and had a heart rate of 145.  Overall, we are counting our blessings that this is the first thing we've had to deal with in any of our pregnancies.  If this is as bad as it's going to get, I think we are pretty darn lucky.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fall Family Picture Outfits

It's that time of year again when I frantically try to put together outfits that coordinate for our family portraits.  My usual tendency is to start figure out outfits in August, but most stores haven't put out their Fall clothing yet, so I have to tell myself to hold off.  Once September hit I was online shopping in full force.

My plan of attack is always to figure out what I want the kids to wear, because they are the focal point in my opinion.  I want them to stand out and look adorable.  Brett and I don't matter so much.  I ended up choosing Alyssa's outfit first from Carter's with some extra help from GAP Factory.

After A LOT of searching and deliberation, I decided that I liked the tunic and legging look the best.  Plus, Alyssa's favorite color is pink, so any way that I can incorporate pink into an outfit I know she's going to love it that much more.   For shoes she's going to be wearing a pair of black booties that I think are very adorable, also from GAP Factory.  They seem to be out of stock though, so I don't have a link for those.  

Luke was a bit easier to decide on.  For his 1 year pictures, I put him in this really cute sweater and LOVED how they turned out.  So, I decided that we are doing another sweater.  He just looks so cute in them, and I don't usually put him in something so dressy I guess.  I mean why would i put him in something like that to just get destroyed at daycare!  We'll save that conversation for another day...anyway.  I got him a really cute pair of jeans and a sweater from GAP Factory.  Luke will also be wearing some cute sneakers from Target.

For the parents in the house, I didn't do a whole lot.  For me personally, I didn't want to buy a whole new outfit b/c I'm pregnant and this is our last so I'm just trying not to get new actual maternity wear.  I did end up going to Target and picked up a pink t-shirt that goes perfectly with the pink in Alyssa's pants.  

Other then that, everything else Brett and I are wearing is just straight from out closet.  All together I think it makes for a pretty great Fall photo session ensemble.  What do you think?  I guess we'll find out next week when we see the actual pictures and how they turned out! And if i decided to make any last minute outfit changes...