Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Today I'm going to talk about something a bit different...teething.  My little guy is teething like a crazy person.  He is 17 months old and only has his four 2-year molars left to get...and they're killing us.  He has been so sensitive the past couple of days and hes been constantly chewing on his pacifier.  I feel so terrible for him because there is only so much that we can do to help him out.  

Here are his teething symptoms:

1. chewing on everything
2. major drool
3. minor temperature
4. when he eats something, sometimes he must hit the area that hurts b/c he will just start crying :(
5. very clingy

The few things that seem to help him out are:

1. pacifier (his baba)
2. Tylenol
3. Teething tablets 
4. Lots and Lots of snuggles

I know we will make it through this, and there are only four teeth left!  Then we are officially done with kid #2 and teething.  I cannot wait!  

And here is a picture of my little man.

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